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21-21 September a Day in Lublin, the Media was very involved ....

We had plans to visit the old Town of Lublin today. Lublin is one of the oldest Cities in Poland and

likely a Castle was on the Lublin Hill since 900 AD. Lublin City Charter was created in 1317 but the history is much older. Because Lublin was on a Trade route it was quite wealthy and a place where the Kings and ruling class had their gatherings. We were given a taste of hospitality, as we were setting out Josef Adamski gave us the news that Walter was to be interviewed by TVP TV Poland in Lublin. We went to the TVP offices and Walter was interviewed about his life story and he did a very good detailed account from the time he was a young boy to moving to Canada.

Walter spoke very well, so good the interviewer had tears in her eyes, the interview was all about him and she listened with respect and did not make it the story other than his. Walter enjoyed the experience and he signed a Copy of No Way Back for Aneta.

After the Interview we visited the Old town and walked the cobblestones streets.. TV Polonia had a cameraman there and he filmed Walters visit and Josef showing him the sites while we learned more history. We visited the the Dominican Basilica where a piece of the original Holy Cross has been preserved since the 15th century.

Stolen, partitioned but also found this piece of Religious History.

We had a nice visit of Lublin and the well preserved Center, then lunch in the Town and ended with tea at Josefs. We then made our way home.

the word is out that Walter is in Town : tomorrow a Jeep escort to the Military Museum in Lublin.

Lublin September 21, 2021

Walter with his Friend Josef Adamski

Walter and Josef- TV Polonia are there

Walking the Old Town Lublin

Panorama of Lublin in the Basilica-circa 1500's

A reflective Moment

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