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September 2021

Updated: Sep 9, 2021

In September of 2021 Walter Szwender will be returning to Poland to visit friends, family and the Country he fought for: over 75 years ago.

This Year is the 80th Anniversary of the founding of Anders Army. In 1941 General Wladyslaw Anders started to form an Army of Polish Citizens who were deportees of the Soviets, people who suffered from Stalin's ethnic cleansing. Walter was a young boy when he was deported in April 1940. The whole story with the many twists and turns is in the book No Way Back by Jackie Gay.

In 2019 Walter Szwender was able to take part in Ceremonies to celebrate the 75 Anniversary of the Battle for Monte Cassino. These were held in Rome, at Monte Cassino and sites in the area where the Polish Second Corp fought and eventually were successful in capturing the the long fought for Monte which opened the road to Rome.

Walter at Monte Cassino in 1989.

Walter Szwender middle-salute at Monte Cassino-May 18, 2019

Walter Army years-Far East 1942

Due to the Pandemic there were no ceremonies in 2020 and no chance for Walter to visit Poland or take part in the ceremonies. In 2021 the Polish Government organized ceremonies in Rome, Monte Cassino, Ancona, Ortona and Bologna places where the Second Corp fought in World War 11. Because of his age (96) and the difficulty of travelling on a busy schedule Walter decided to opt out. But he wanted to return to Poland where he has people to see, Poland where he had not spent much time since the year 1940, when he was deported. He has been a Canadian resident and Citizen since 1946!

This Blog is to highlight his Trip to Poland and to share the journey with family, friends and people who are interested in the journey.

The Book No Way Back tells the story of Walters journey to family and retirement years. This journey, The Way Back is a look at his trip to the Country he fought for long ago, but could not go back to live in. To get the whole story order a Copy of No Way Back available for sale on Amazon and on this web site.

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