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Filming Next Chapter-+Bye for now to Poland

October 15, 2021

The Polish Government Department of Veteran Affairs has put into motion the Production of a documentary film, t finishing a task set before us. By General Wladyslaw Anders, leader of the Polish Second Corp who in 1959 stated that the road we set out on, the reason we fought for freedom has not been realized. After the Soviets overan Poland in 1945 defeating Hitler, they never really left. They put in a so called Lublin Committee Government which was a forced communist regime and any elections were a forced farce. Even though the English and French declared War on Germany in support of Poland, at the end the country was sacrificed to caprices of Stalin. So freedom was still a dream.

General Anders stated in his 1959 message that a free, independent and sovereign Poland was still not realized. That the final Chapter will be written when this is achieved.

Director Tom Lysiak,

Following a trail of archival records and interviews with those who fought with Anders this Documentary is meant to use a free Poland as a backdrop to show in this film that the Final Chapter has been done.

Walter was interviewed for 2 hours and even sang two songs, Lilli Marlene in Polish and Czerwone Maki na Monte Cassino (Red Poppies on Monte Cassino) The Director was clapping. Walters part in the film was set.

Walter and Director Tom Lysiak

Behind the mike!

Some close ups!

Walter gave Tom a copy of the book!

Closing out the trip-you guessed it Pierogi!(rosol)

Saxon Gardens park

Behind Tomb of Unkown soldier!

My salute to Poland! Good bye.

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