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First Stage Complete-Edmonton to Amsterdam

We are waiting for our flight to Warsaw. Resting after resting for 8 hours on the plane.

Walter should have been a navigator. He spent the flight(all eight hours) watching the Flight Map,

he did take his eyes off it to eat but he got us to Amsterdam. Yes he should have navigated.....

Flight went well and we are tired but looking forward to getting on the plane to Warsaw.

Flying during the Age of Covidium is something I still need to get use to but the one benefit is far fewer travellers.

I have never seen Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam this quiet.

Today is the Anniversary of the Soviet Invasion of Poland. 82 years ago the Soviet hordes poured over the border

and Walter was only 14 years old. He was a month from turning 15.

In less than 8 months he was deported by the Soviets. It is bittersweet as a day we arrive back to Poland.

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Wow, great website! Very cool,! Dziadzio looks 35 years younger than his age. Hope you guys have a great time.


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