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Gdansk to Miedrzyzec

We end a nice time in Gdansk. Walter commented on how beautiful a city it is and worth a visit

by anyone.

We drive 5 hours to Miedrzyrzec Podlaskie. Being Sunday the traffic is minimal and the Kia does good time.

We go over to visit Ala and Januszek and then over to Jarek, Magadalena, Daria and Paola for a farewell.

Walter with his nephew Jauszek, Paola giving accupunture to Januszek, Daria on side

Family photo 9, for Daria's birthday October 7, October 10, today Januszek has his birthday !!

October 11, Monday leaving Miedrzyec

We are driving to Warsaw today, last leg of the journey. Meeeting with the Szef of Veteran Affairs for the Government.

Pre trip breakfast

A great family visit, Thank you to Jarek and Magdelena

At Ala and Januszeks, a great visit Walter said, thanks Ala and Januszek

Off to Warsaw, October 11.

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