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No Way Back by Jackie Gay

Updated: Sep 9, 2021

No Way Back is a book by Victoria resident and Olympic medalist Jackie Gay. She wrote the story of Walter Szwender, a story shared by many of his fellow soldiers and even his eventual Wife Wanda Szwender who was deported in 1940 to Siberia. They met and got married in Canada.

You can order a copy and read the whole story.

When Walter returns to Poland on September 16, his trip will be a circle, he is able to visit a free country, an open country and one that has shone over the last 32 years.

After the destruction by the Nazis and Soviets, followed by 45 years of a repressive regime Poland stands tall and shows the power of will.

Walter Sr. will visit Warsaw, Lublin, Miederzyzec Podlaski where he was born and where his parents were buried.

He will visit the National War Museum Poznan where his World War 2 uniform is kept, and hopefull visit family on the Coast.

This Blog is to update those interested on the Journey.

Walter Szwender Sr. in Warsaw. 1999. The unveiling of a Marble Statue to honour the heroes of Monte Cassino.

Walter has his name inscribed on the plaque that honours the founders of the Monument.

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