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Polish Army Museum Poznan-oldest in Poland-Walter 's Uniform

Today was a nice but cooler start. After a quiet breakfast we headed to the Polish Army Museum in Poznan-Wielkopolska. The Museum it turns out is the oldest Military Museum in Poland. One of the key elements to this Museum is it's location. It is in the center of the Old Town Square in Poznan and as far as Old Town squares go it is a large square with probably the most beautiful Ratusz-City Hall in Poland. As seen in the previous blog.

The Museum -National Museum in Poznan-Greater Poland is an Army Museum in Poland. When we visited today it has work going outside and in on so is only partly open. After Walter was introduced at the entrance we were greeted by a Head Curator Anna Szukalska-Kus. She was a guide for Walter for the afternoon. She had all of the information about Walter having received his uniform 6 years ago and looking after exhibits that the Museum is known for specifically focused on an era or a particular Unit in the Armies.

An extremely knowledgeable and pleasant guide we spent over two hours + visiting the exhibits.

The original building of the Museum was destroyed in World War 11 and only 18 years after the Second World War was a newly built building set up for the newly opened Museum. The original Museum was officially opened by the Marshall of Poland Josef Pilsudski.

We had a close up look at the exhibit where the Battle Dress Walter wore for 5 years is on exibit. It is in a prominent place and I think Walter was both pleased, honoured and third happy to have this as the repository of his Army Uniform. I am not sure what he expected but the visit and the people were first class.

We had tea in the Museum office and a detailed account of how the museum operates. It has over 50,000 objects in storage and on display. The Museum is very proud of the work it does and I would severely say they should be, they do unbelievable work.

In 1945 nothing was left of the Museum and exhibits, under Nazi followed by Soviet rule the display of Polish History and Polish patriotism was punished. It is said only the fearful bully tries to intimidate because they fear the cause of freedom. Or a Nation that will never bow. Under the Soviet occupation it took almost 18 years to reopen the Museum in Poznan. We are glad it took place and grew to be the Historical repository it now serves as.

October 6, Poznan Poland

October 7 we leave for Gdansk.

Walter Szwender- The Battle dress he wore for 5 years in the Polish Second Corp 1942-46

National Military Museum-Poznan

Walter with Curator Anna-Szukalska-Kus, next to his displayed battle dress

A very interesting tour

Telling actual WW2 stories to the Curators, next to his Uniform

Walter and Jaroslaw Luczak-Marshall Pilsudski painting

A recently Hosted Exhibit of the Pulk Ulanow Karpackich-who fought in Walters division at Monte Cassino

With Director Head Curator Jaroslaw Luczak

Battle Painting Original

I am Museum

Telling a joke at Tea Time

Walters favourite guide he was so impressed

After party-nice Polish Burrata a la Tomate, Walter, well, it's not pierogie but it was good!!

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