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Saint Nicholas Church Miedrzyzec-570 years old!

One of the most important things for Walter was to visit the Church where he was baptized in 1924.

St. Nicholas Church in Miedzyzec is the oldest Church in Podlesie Region. It is a Baroque style Church that has been extensively renovated in the last 30 years. As far as Churches go the Church and surrounding grounds are very beautiful. Walter went to 12:15 Mass and visited the grounds.There is an Oak tree on the grounds that is

270 years old and an Oak was recently vandalized that is over 750 years old.

After Church we went to the Cemetery where Walters parents are buried, along with his sister

Wladzia and Brother in Law Bolek.

It is a quiet day of reflection, Walters parents died in 1975 and 1976.

The weather has warmed considerably so we enjoy the sun.

After the visits we have an afternoon family gathering at Januszek and Magdalena's House.

When asked how he enjoys being here and how it is going Walter said" could not be better".

St. Nicholas Church-with Januszek and Ala

St. Nicholas Side Altar

Leaving-Quite Happy

St. Nicholas grounds-Stations of the Cross at each pillar

Cemetery Grave of Francis and Julia

A long Trip to be here

Swapping Tales with the Marshall- Leader of Poland from Independence to 1935.

We both helped Poland win freedom.............

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Alice Rains
Alice Rains
Sep 29, 2021

I’m enjoying living this beautiful journey through photos - Ala

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