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Sunday Remembered-Catching Up with Marysia

Day 2 in Warszawa. Tomorrow we will leave for Lublin, the ride we will use in Poland is all ready to go. We will be travelling around in a Peugeot 508 Wagon. Nice car, Dad said it is big but hey on the highway it will be a beast! We have a restful morning, at least Walter does as I go get the car.

Walter wanted to go to Mass at the Field Cathedral of the Polish Army. He was there for kick off of ceremonies 2 years ago. It is a beautiful Church near the Old Town, we went to 12 O'clock mass. Walter was very happy with being able to go to this traditional place. There were a lot of military uniforms around so it was special event for him.

Weather has changed and we are here in a cool spell. Need to dress very warm!

In the Afternoon we visited Walters sister in law Marysia who lives in Ursus, she has been living in Poland at the same place since 1972. She married our Uncle Bolek and they had this place since the communist era. The afternoon was spent in good Polish Tradition with food, drink and a great deal of reminiscing. Bolek died 15 years ago. he was fairly young when it happened. We had a good chance to catch up. She did not think Walter would really be back to Poland. So they are impressed with his stamina.

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Sep 19, 2021

So wonderful you are doing this memorable trip with your Dad. Mary

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