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The Waiting Game-Normal what Normal?

Sitting here with Walter, three days away from our flight to Poland. I have to admit I feel a bit

out of sorts getting ready for this trip. We are heading out in the sort of middle to end of a global pandemic and the issues for travel make it a work in progress rather than a fait accompli.

Why? Well there are the covid protocols, vaccine records, tests (or not) arrival and departure information and always waiting for these to change last minute!

But I digress. Walter (Dad) is ready to go. He wants to go. It is impressive because I try to put myself in his place if I was 97 and I am not sure I would want to leave home! But Walter is ready and we are doing last minute tweeks to medications, what to pack, what to bring and last minute discussions of agenda.

We are in Warsaw to begin........then head to Lublin to visit friends(and admirers) and then to Miedrzyrzec where Walter was born, where his rodzice are buried and where he has a nephew and family.

After that we plan Poznan, Gdansk and a visit to the Kresy Sybyraki Museum in Bialystok.

This Blog is dedicated to Wanda, Dad;s zona for 68 years and our Mama who passed away 3 years ago on September 7, 2018 at age 92. They were married in 1950! In the middle of winter January 7

and Dad misses her but lives with all the memories and surrounded by her presence!

So here we are P-Day minus 3.

Stand by for more info as we confirm lat details,

Edmonton, September 13, 2021

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