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Warsaw A Cool Place

Updated: Sep 19, 2021

We visited a bit of Warsaw today. We are very central so took the opportunity to visit the old town, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier(around the corner) and looked at places Walter did not have a chance to visit 2 years ago.

It was a cool day so we did not linger. We had to bolt back to our Apartment after lunch as it was raining pretty

hard so todays update is just that. We had a nice relaxing jet lag day and Walter did pretty good after such a long flight. Tomorrow we visit Moms old sister in law and get ready for the next step of our Trip, Lublin.

Will post tomorrow after Dad has a chance to go to Mass. Hope it warms up!

Poland especially Warsaw has morphed into a very special City over the last 32 years. When I first came here there were no tall buildings except of the Palace of Culture. Now there are new tall buildings going up all over the place. Warsaw is a busy growing City with a lot to offer and worth the visit.

September 18, 2021

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