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Warsaw-Last Stop

We head back to Canada Saturday October 16. Early call, flight leaves at 6:00AM.

It has been slower this week, since Monday but not without some happenings. Back to the very beginning. We arrived here in Warsaw Friday September 17. Now after 4 weeks it it is time for reflection. If asked I would guess Walter would say he is very satisfied with his trip. he came to Poland with a short wish list, we completed all of that and he was able to add experiences that were a real bonus.

Monday October 11 visit with Szef of Veteran Affairs, Jan Josef Kasprzyk.

Jan Josef Kasprzyk, keeping alive the memories of Polish Veterans

Tuesday October 12...Day off. need to rest.

Wednesday October 13, 2021

Meet for lunch with Marta Radziach, of TVP Poland who is a rezytor, journalist. In 2019, for the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino, she filmed a very nice program about the veterans of Monte Cassino, it included Walter and interviews were held in Warsaw with more filming done on Monte Cassino.

A nice meeting we catch up and yes tell our covid stories!

Marta and Walter

October 14, 2021

Up early and we head over to Damian Center for a pre-flight test. Covid that is. To see if we can fly.

Walter said I thought it was a test that took 2 hours. Good, it was less than 30 seconds!

In the afternoon we head over to Marysia and family in Ursus for a farewell dinner. It was a very nice time and Walter said how nice time spent was and we felt close to family! Not to forget a mountain of pierogi to go with Rosol, sausage and bigos! Nice to see our family again to spend quality time and to say goodbye till next time!

Edzio, Walter, Marysia and Hubert

Jurek, Edzio with Walter, Marys and Hubert

We head home back to Warsaw center home, tomorrow up for an early Interview and filming!

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